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  • Massive benefits beckon new direct shipping route between Tanzania, China 01/29/2024

    Jan 29th, 2024

    THROUGH Korea Marine Transport Company Limited (KMTC), Tanzania is set to benefit significantly from the launch of a new direct shipping route between China and the Dar es Salaam Port. This new service is expected to drastically reduce the time it takes for cargo to arrive from China, from six weeks (42 days) to three weeks (21 days), boosting the efficiency of Tanzania’s businesses. The arrival of the KMTC at the Dar es Salaam Port was made possible by the completion of the Dar es Salaam Maritime Gateway Project (DMGP). The 440.4 million US dollars (about 1.12tri/-) improvement project will allow large vessels like the KMTC to smoothly access and dock at the Dar es Salaam Port. Commenting at the route inauguration ceremony, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Transport Prof Godius Kahyarara, underlined the significance of the DMGP in attracting KMTC’s operations. He said the route is a huge step for the port and a massive opportunity for business prosperity between Tanzania and Asian countries. “Dar es Salaam Port has to increase its efficiency as it now operates 24 hours a day to accommodate the growing number of large ships,” PS said. Prof Kahyarara said that the cargo transportation trend will further improve once the Standard Gauge Railway (SGR) becomes operational, facilitating faster delivery of goods from ports to final destinations. The Director of Dar es Salaam Port, Mr Mrisho Selemani pointed the recent arrival of several large ships, including the Emirates Shipping vessel, as evidence of the port’s growing capacity. “The KMTC’s arrival, with its 1,500 containers of cargo, marks a significant development for Tanzania, not only benefiting domestic businesses but also serving clients in neighbouring land-linked countries,” he said. Rais Shipping Services Tanzania (RSS) General Manager, Mr Neelakandan said having direct shipping from a major port from China to Dar will help reduce time for transporting cargo as well as serve customers on time.
